What is Lino Printing?

Lino printing is a form of relief printing, where a design is carved into a piece of linoleum using specialised tools.

Carving the Stubble Quail block, with pencil sketch

Ink is then rolled over the surface of the lino block, sticking only to the areas that have not been carved away.

To print the design, paper is carefully placed over the top of the block and pressure applied, either from rubbing by hand with the aid of a baren or spoon, or by using a printing press.

The paper can then be peeled back to reveal the transferred image!

First rough print of the Stubble Quail artwork, with the corresponding lino block

Each print is individually pulled by hand, meaning no digital processes have been used to create these prints.

Limited Editions

Once the lino has been carved, ink and paper can be applied multiple times to create a number of prints from the same lino block. Most of my artworks are limited editions, which means that I only create the number listed in the edition and then retire the block. Each print is signed by me and contains the individual edition number, eg, 1/30 (the first print from a run of 30).

Some prints have been created by using multiple lino blocks in different colours to build up the image, and others have been hand painted with watercolour paints to add extra colours. While all care has been taken to make each edition as alike as possible, all prints are individually handmade and therefore some variation will occur.

Watercolour paints have been used to add colour to complete Stubble Quail Amongst Grasses